A Financial, Accounting and Business Consultancy Firm

BAPA CONSULTANTS COMPANY fundamental philosophy is on its genuine dedication to offering enthusiastic services to clients based on business and practical experience in an ethical and excellent manner.

Audit Services

We offer engagements to provide statutory audits to our client’s financial statements and to evaluate the fairness of presentation of the statements in conformity to the International Standards on Audit

Accounting Services

We offer accounting services that focus more on how the clients keep their financial records and books of accounts. We are ready to offer the service, which covers full range of accounting services from setting up an accounting system and performing a compilation of financial records.

Tax Services

We offer tax consultancy services that include tax-planning assessment of taxable income and tax reserves. Also, we offer management information related to aspects of forecasting projection of operating results, different tax saving opportunities available to clients, preparing and supervising the annual income tax declaration besides and other related services.

We take care about taxes and invoices, so you can focus on your business

We offer tax consultancy services that include tax-planning assessment of taxable income and tax reserves.

Our tax consultancy services include:

Years in Business
Team Members

Our Clients